Tuesday, January 24, 2012


1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
...4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.

Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.

11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say “I love her more than you”, deny it. Fight back and hug her tight so she can’t get to her friends. It makes her feel loved.

Are you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say I love you whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she’s beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.

One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car - it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she’s your everything - only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her - if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT - so just hug her.

24. Make her feel loved.
25. Kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know!

26. Don’t lie to her.
27. DON’T cheat on her.
28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants.
29. Text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school, and how much you miss her.
30. Be there for her whenever she needs you, and even when she doesn’t need you, just be there so she’ll know that she can always count on you.

31. Hold her close when she’s cold so she can hold you too.
32. When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the cheek; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.

35. Don’t ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you’re mad. If she’s upset, comfort her.

36. When people diss her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other grab her hand.
40. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.

41. Call or text her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for long walks at night.
44. Always remind her how much you love her.
45. Sit on top of her and tell her how much you love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while you’re sitting on her.

You’ll never know when she needs just a little more love .. ♥!

sincerely from KIMYEN

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Contest 2012 blog kawaii by Kiki and Ekin.

heyyo semua, jum join contest.. just tekan banner ya . ; ))

blog saya kawaii kerana saya rasa blog saya kawaii bukan cantik . hehe~ :)
kimyen nak tag : http://ilebiusomocha.blogspot.com/ dan http://iemancarnation.blogspot.com/ . : )

keyybyee all : * hve a nice day.
sincerely from KIMYEN

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A wonderful story : "4 boy friends"...

Once upon a time there was a girl who had four boyfriends.

She loved the 4th boyfriend the most 'n adored him with rich robes 'n treated him to the finest of delicacies. She gave him nothing but the best.

She also loved the 3rd boyfriend very much 'n was always showing him off to neighboring kingdoms. However, she feared that one day he would leave her for another.

She also loved her 2nd boyfriend. He was her confidant 'n was always kind, considerate 'n patient with her. Whenever this girl faced a problem, she could confide in him, 'n he would help her get through the difficult times.

The girls 1st boyfriend was a very loyal partner 'n had made great contributions in maintaining her wealth 'n kingdom. However, she d id not love the first boyfriend. Although he loved her deeply, she hardly took notice of him!

One day, the girl fell ill 'n she knew her time was short. She thought of her luxurious life 'n wondered, I now have four boyfriends with me, but when I die, I'll be all alone.'

Thus, she asked the 4th boyfriend, 'I loved you the most, endowed you with the finest clothing 'n showered great care over you. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me 'n keep me company?'

'No way!', replied the 4th boyfriend, 'n he walked away without another word..

His answer cut like a sharp knife right into her heart.

The sad girl then asked the 3rd boyfriend, 'I loved you all my life. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me 'n keep me company?'

'No!', replied the 3rd boyfriend. 'Life is too good! When you die, I'm going to marry someone else!'

Her heart sank 'n turned cold.

She then asked the 2nd boyfriend, 'I have always
turned to you for help 'n you've always been there for me.

When I die, will you follow me 'n keep me company?'

'I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!', replied the 2nd boyfriend. 'At the very most, I can only walk with you to your grave.'

His answer struck her like a bolt of lightning, 'n the girl was devastated.

Then a voice called out: 'I'll go with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go..'

The girl looked up, 'n there was his first boyfriend. He was very skinny as he suffered from malnutrition 'n neglect.

Greatly grieved, the girl said, 'I should have taken much better care of you when I had the chance!'

In truth, you have 4 boyfriends in your lives:

Your 4th boyfriend is your body. No matter how much time 'n effort you lavish in making it look good, it will leave you when you die.

Your 3rd boyfriend is your possessions, status 'n wealth.When you die, it will all go to others.

Your 2nd boyfriend is your family 'n friends. No matter how much they have been there for you, the furthest they can stay by you is up to the grave.

'n your 1st boyfriend is your Soul. Often neglected in pursuit of wealth, power 'n pleasures of the world.

However, your Soul is the only thing that will follow you where ever you go.Cultivate, strengthen 'n cherish it now, for it is the only part of you that will follow you to the throne of God 'n continue with you throughout Eternity.

Thought for the day:Remember, when the world pushes you to your knees,you're in the perfect position to pray.

Pass this on to someone you care about - I just did.

Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.. !

credit:I love seeing your name appear on my phone when you text me

sincerely from KIMYEN

terbang !